Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
I’m done, if the government takes over then it takes over.
If the world ends the world ends
Get on with your life. Live everyday to the fullest and spend it on the good times you refuse to partake in because your obsessed with destruction and the end.
It’s about proving everyone else wrong around you, and when the day comes and your right, you are still wrong.
Buy a $400,000 bunker and shut the$#%&!@*up.
If you can’t afford one, accept your fate.
Start living, stop waiting.
The fact is…. Nibiru is already in our solar system and they know it!!! I personally have taken pictures of our moon and posted them and you can CLEARLY SEE a planet in the pictures! I’m not the only one who has taken pictures of other planets already and these are pictures taken with cell phones not telescopes!!!!
Perry have you heard of Nibiru? Google the name if not. This earth has begun to wobble on its axis because a planet larger than Jupiter is now entering our solar system and the gravitational pull is increasing.
Did you know that Australia is moving north a hand length a year? It was on tv.
Did alot of research nibiru
The man upstairs decides on the climate change not libtards!!!!
Unseasonably warm or cold is a change in weather not climate.
Imagine, if you would!
Man made Climate change is the new religion of the left! The reason it is a religion to them is because it’s solely based on faith, not facts!
The Earth is getting closer to the sun. Understand?