Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
My therory as to why Ole Dutchman’s mine has never been located for one.2 degree change in true north can throw your search off miles.
How do you think the countries separated years ago and oceans formed between them. South america fits to Africa’s west coast ect.
Do not believe we have good summers an bad summers good winters and bad winters always have always will since the beginning of time
About a week of research on the pro-con and chem trails daily and you will know the truth is we have destroyed the hyrdological balance playing games with geo-engineering power control. Hear the lies and reverse them to know the truth.
yep the sun is about to go dorment.
Cyclical climate variability!
Where does north America for then ……
Liberals are idiots
Stuck right into Europe and Africa. Ireland and england the united kingdom fit right into Hudson bay and Labrador sea area and then Spain in to and near new York and Maine south of there the rest into gulf of mexico to both west continent of Africa.
The land was once one large land mass in the world before the oceans separated them through the earth movements and platonic activity