Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
Hillary is a part of a political globalest special interest organization that has chosen the most evil religion Islam to bring in a new world order and to take away the second amendment, freedom of speech and Christianity. Hillary and Obama are letting Isis win to bring in a new world order, under Hillary Isis wins. Putin is right we are arming Isis to bring in a new world order .
Revelation 13,
Trump will build our military defenses Obama has neglected this. Hillary is a guaranteed failure. Isis is calling for knife attacks on beaches and camp sites and bus stops, Hillary will not care she will bring violence on America just like she did to the Ambassador, she will sacrifice anyone for the new world order.Hillary wants to bring in 5 million. America has never been more unsafe we need to vote for Trump. When I was younger I had a great vision of the Lord Jesus Christ blood going through my skin into my wrist. Jesus was wearing a heavenly blue garment and holding my hand and then I saw a sprinkle of the Lord Jesus Christ blood going through my skin into my wrist. Hebrews 12:22-28,Heavenly Jerusalem, Acts 2:17-21.Matthew 24,Heaven and earth shall pass away but by no means shall my word pass away. In revelations God says to come out of the whore that you receive not of her plagues and in her was found all the deaths of the Christians. This is saying to vote for Trump!Hillary is setting us up just like the 9-11 victims were set up.Voting for Trump is voting against evil.Trump will be bringing back the jobs that are disappearing and bring full time jobs.Wikkileaks prove that Hillary was a part of a arms deal to sell Isis weapons that she was paid off to do just like the 5 million that she plans to bring into America to disable Americans to bring in a new world order.Bringing jobs back and creating them go hand in hand with welfare and college degrees and only Trump has talk about this it is a easy decision he is best to save America.Go on you tube and listen to Wikileaks:Hillary Lied Under Oath About Arming Isis,subscriber Lionel Nation a attorney at Law and he says the media does not care about reporting about how dangerous Hillary and Obama are.This is a sign of the rapture or blessed hope that Jesus Christ Prophesied.Epistle of John.It is odd that in other airplane crashes there is always evidence left but 9-11 there wasn’t any and many scientist are saying because there wasn’t any and out of 86 videos only 1 video shows airplanes and a chemical that is only found in bombs was found in the Twin Towers and 3 weeks before it happened when it was close they where doing work in there when it closed and witness described what they where bringing in and it sounds like they may be right these scientist who investigated 9-11 properly.This is the reason the black boxes where never found which would of withstand the fire and crash.Some 911 researchers are saying that the radar showed military aircrafts behind all the airline planes and there is a way to leave that path and not be detected because of the same path and only a military drone plane would be able to have the speed a big airliner would not at the low atmosphere level and would not be able to hit the target and also weak parts of the plane like the wings or tail would fall off it wouldn’t just disappear into the building perfectly unless it was a military drone which some witnesses say it looked like “That does not look like a commercial airliner “.Also a fox reporter and others are on video saying this does not look like a commercial airliner they thought it look like a military airplane these people witness the second airplane and this only makes sense with the science and thermite was found which melts steel which was flowing like lava and the perfect way all three buildings fell in 7 seconds prove that all where wired up with thermite according to the experts.The 3rd World Trade Center tower had nothing hit it and the steel frame melt when that is not possible unless it was wired up with thermite and it was a demolition which means all of them where.It collapsed 7 hours after the first two in a matter of seconds the experts are saying this is clearly evidence all three where wired up with thermite.According to the experts it would only take 7 minutes to make a 3 D Hexagram airplane added to the video of the towers, this is how far technology has gone.Some believe there was a emergency landing of flight 175 and 93 and they put all of the passengers together on the flight that went down because of a missile.Airport records show that flight 11 and 77 where never scheduled to leave that day and never left the gates.James Woods the famous actor was a witness on the O’Reilly show that flight 11 never left he went into the cockpit and told the pilot that your terrorist are here and it never left.With all of James Woods fame and money even he doesn’t have freedom of speech on the show he had to say this happen in August but he didn’t report it until 9-11 the truth is he doesn’t have the freedom of speech to say it happen on 9-11 or they would never give him media attention but I am smart enough to know this is like a victim crying out to be heard but at the same time to protect themselves they cannot and will not be allowed to expose the truth 100%because the cover-up continues. I got his message clearly without knowing the whole story.
Do they not realize that God is in control of every thing.! All these gloom and doom predictions are rediculous.
We must help them to get science out of the way of big bussness vote red till your dead
The climate change models never included solar events.
I have seen a lot of f**e science for pritty much of my adult life, some good effects and some really bad but more recently bad. The science they have been shoveling is only been there to drive governments of many nations into a one government entity. The UN Agenda 21 has been pushed on the people since the late 90 s. The earth has its cycles along with the sun and mankind has very little or no impact on such. We all love to breathe clean air in our cities so responsible practices are a must but to think that humans are the driving force of the current earth cycles are a farce. One day of a volcano eruption adds more harmful gases into atmosphere then mankind produces in a year. I see it myself and I’m not a scientist that the earth is talking to us. We’ve had large movement in the Earth’s crust and more volcanic eruptions, we have had artic blasts in our mid west for several years now. Many of these large earth quakes have shifted the Earth’s axes which will intern change weather in many regions and non of this has been cause by the impact of humans on the earth.
Snowed 7in Last Friday Here IN NC. Yesterday it was 73
Snowed 7in Last Friday Here IN NC. Yesterday it was 73
You all need to understand its not global warming! Its natural mother nature and earth change its happened several times in earths existence. The poles shift due to magnetic poles and earths plates shifting due to the rotation and gravity’s pull over the years . continents change and move and separate creating ice ages and or new tropical climates based on location. Hell magnetic Both pole has shifted 2 degrees since 1892. When these move it changes weather and climate temps.
Bring on the heat tired of cutting and burning wood
Because future idiot liberals couldn’t tell the difference