It’s a term that in general refers to periods of reduced sun spot activity but is often used to specifically refer to the Little Ice Age, in which summers were chilly and winter was freezing. The extended periods of cold made it harder for humans to grow food, leading to starvation, illness and warfare between anyone unlucky enough to live through it.
Of course, Zharkova’s observations are theoretical, but it is disturbing to think that we may soon be facing another ice age within our life time.
Professor Zharkova’s claims are especially interesting because they contradict several key claims of the current liberal consensus on climate change. Her argument that a decrease in sunspot activity will lead to cooler conditions around the world flies flat in the face of the idea that the world is getting warmer and warmer because humans generate too much carbon dioxide, causing many environmentalists to try and silence the independent-thinking solar physicist:
“That shock will be felt most especially by the world’s climate alarmist Establishment, whose scientists and learned institutions have staked their reputation on the idea that CO2, not solar activity, is the prime driver of climate and that the planet is on a warming trend not a cooling one.
This explains why when Professor Zharkova first released her findings last year, various climate alarmists went behind her back to the Royal Astronomical Society to try to persuade them to withdraw the press release.
Some of them were welcoming and discussing. But some of them were quite — I would say — pushy. They were trying to actually silence us. Some of them contacted the Royal Astronomical Society, demanding, behind our back, that they withdraw our press release. The Royal Astronomical Society replied to them and CCed to us and said, ‘Look, this is the work by the scientists who we support, please discuss this with them.’ We had about 8 or 10 exchanges by email, when I tried to prove my point, and I’m saying, I’m willing to look at what you do, I’m willing to see how our results we produced and what the sun has explained to us. So how this is transformed into climate we do not produce; we can only assume it should be. So we’re happy to work with you, and add to your data our results. So don’t take the sunspots which you get, we can give you our curve. Work with our curve. So they didn’t want to.
But Zharkova’s ice age predictions have been backed by a number of scientists, among them Australia’s Dr David Evans with his Notch-Delay solar theory and, more surprisingly, by scientists at Germany’s ideologically warmist Potsdam Institute.
Meteorologist Paul Dorian of Vencore Weather has also predicted an imminent solar minimum as the world finds itself in the weakest solar cycle for more than a century.”
Source: Breitbart
If you go out long enough, the chances of survival for everyone drops to zero.
It’s here,
All that aluminum they have blocked the sun rays with using Chem trails has been also making it colder .
Only aluminum is in the hats. Modern car engines also expell aluminum because the parts wear. Time to bring back big hair and cfc sprayers.