The American people have expressed their clear preference for preserving the 2nd Amendment and all citizens rights to own guns of all manner unless there are clear legal reasons to prevent that ownership, and to oppose rules and regulations that Democrats and President Obama want to impose to gradually confiscate weapons from the people. In fact, the number of senior citizens who have taken gun training classes has grown by 400 percent since 2010.
That is particularly curious because crime rates in general have declined during that same time. But as people watch the federal government seize powers not permitted in the Constitution, and watch radical groups such as demonstrating students run rampant through society without any response by law enforcement, many people feel that they must be able to defend themselves and not depend on the police. And of course the fear of Muslim terrorists who have vowed to destroy America, along with the non-response by the Obama administration, also leads to the need to be prepared and armed.
The Obama administration is not happy with the ability of citizens to arm themselves, or for the court rulings which confirm the populace has that right, and so the federal government is chipping away at the 2nd Amendment in smaller increments in order to strip different groups of their right for self-defense so as not a arouse the public at large. Most recently Obama has been working with the Social Security Administration to take away the guns belonging to individuals who have filed a claim of disability.
Social Security grabs guns of Social Security recipients, page 2:
I sooo many seniors using thier guns for dark purposes. This is bad.
Hey assholes,,,you might think this is your money but i got news for all you dumbasses just because you steal from it you sonofabitches did not put a dime into it.,,,if you want a civil war you ELECTED BE THE PEOPLE ASSHOLES KEEP PUSHING Y’ALL ARE NOT KINGS. !!!!!!!!!!
Syrians welcome though
Peter Searls many people with mental deficits vote democrat.
The problem with your question is…who gets to decide ones mental health? Tough question.
Crooked Leaders violating every part of our rights and heritage. I still have the original paperwork given to me at the Post Office when I signed up for my social security number. Like so many others, this is another breach of Govt to Me contract entered into in good faith. BTW my original SS Card states it must not be used as a form of identification! OPPS another breach by my Govt!
Glad all my guns are not registered so go$#%&!@*yourselves in the ear for you can hear me Cuming social security ministration you stupid motherfuckers
If They want to “Change” the rules for our Social Security benefits…After WE paid into it…with OUR money….then Give Us BACK ALL the money WE PAID in All These Years!!! I’ll take my Entire Check NOW!!!!!