Social Justice Warriors Get Completely Owned at Event: “The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?”

The fact that Milo Yiannopoulos is gay tears apart whatever insults about intolerance anybody in the audience had. And if you listen carefully, you’ll find that what Crowder is saying is true. They had an open panel because they wanted to discuss ideas, yet, as usual liberal hecklers can’t wait to say their piece. They talk about privilege, let’s talk about how they think they’re so privileged that they can say whatever they want, whenever they want. Check out the videos below.

Yes, Crowder’s rant is a little long, but in it, he says the most important thing that liberals can ever hear, “Let me go in and screw with their act just because – oh my God – your parents didn’t tell you that your opinion wasn’t worth that much.” If you get a chance, watch the entire program, it’s worth it.





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