The idea that sex and gender are social constructs is like saying that humans are just animals who wear clothes. If you want to be a tiger, all you have to do is paint some stripes on your body and believe that’s what you are.
And yes, that has happened.
For example, there’s a woman in Norway who feels that she was born as the wrong species, so she dresses up and acts like a cat. She even believes that because she was supposed to be born as a cat, she has superior hearing and sight. The idea that we can be something just by believing we are is nothing more than indulging insanity.
And this is what’s happening with transgendered people.
Though medical procedures and hormones can allow one to look and act like the opposite sex, the obsession that modern society has with indulging these individuals and burying those who disagree with their life choices is creating a very one sided and contradicting argument. As you can see in the video on the next page.
Watch the video on the next page.
Thank you
Was he one of the Brucies?
At least we only have to deal with this for a blink of an eye in this they will pay the price for eternity
This is interesting
This is a one person bathroom not a 2-? Bathroom!!
Lol he would scare even nut job libs
Transy need mental help. Need God in the life.
Sorry but never in my lifetime. you tell by Adam’s apple.
Creepy – will never happen with my kids and grandkids. Sad days in America!
Why does Adam have an apple in his throat? Haha