Disdainful describes many of the fans at the Turkey vs. Greece, who ignored the moment of silence, to mourn the victims of the Paris attacks, and instead infected it with barbaric jeering and booing. The cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ infiltrating the stadium with intentional hate-filled rhetoric.
The vicious nature of Islam was once again on display, as human life holds no value and respect for the victims of a heinous crime was celebrated.
Attendees tweeted out the irreverence of many in the crowd. One man stated: “DISGRACE: Minute of silence for #Paris Massacre booed at Turkey-Greece game, followed by chants of Allahu Akbar, both PMs in attendance.”
Another woman shared: “Istanbul fans boo minute of silence for Paris attacks, chant “Allahu akbar” before Turkey vs Greece soccer friendly.”
On page two watch for yourself the demonstration of what this religion is really like at its core. Islam is not a religion of peace, nor is it a religion of life and well being.
Any and all attacks that happen are planned and times – regardless of where they occur. They are known to set up simultaneous attacks in different areas and even different countries close in timing to one another. That is to exert their so-called dominance with being able to do as they choose to do at any time and any place. People in countries around the world have been attacked by various Muslim terrorist groups for years. It’s only in the last several years that they have become more on-going since they announced their desire to form a dominant world-wide Muslim Caliphate. Whether or not they succeed at that will be determined by countries who allow them to get away with what they do – which is going into countries insisting their demands be accepted and then taking over countries. This situation is more complex than people know of or assume…..
You left out the part where Israel was attacked, defended themselves, and won even more territory.
Yhey should have all been arrested and deported… They are in support of terrorist.
Sicko Hecklers have 0 respect and we are supposed to respect these types of people
ISIS-you think its the “Israel Secret Intellegence Service?!” If it was them at least they wouldn’t be such a coward and say it was a Muslim group. They would own it! ISIS IS WHAT IT IS. TERRORIST, killing for Allah
Allahu Akbar….AA….
God Great….GG….
jangan disandingkan dengan huruf yang sama setelah nama Tuhan….
“Moderate” muslims? No such thing.0
It absolutely is especially when u have an unbiased independently learned history of our world and its political landscapes ,,,, too blindly allow the powers that be too teach u too fear a whole group of people based on lies and manipulation and if we could please stop addressing these terror groups as being an any way representative of the religions behind them ,,, the IRA does not represent true Catholics the kkk does represent true Christians , the Isis type groups do not represent Muslims ,,,, anyone who has read any let alone all the major holy books could tell you that at its roots no religion calls for the attack of anyone just as it says in the bible too turn the other cheek it say in the Qur’an for the believers to do what u can too protect those of other faiths around u if they are being attacked ,,,,,, I mean really why is that it seems the only ones of us who actually read ur guys “holy book” are me and my fellow atheistscause any time I hear religious people talk about what’s in them I’m left wondering if they know how too read
I would have left for sure.
Allah menyebut dirinya….kabir….
AK….bukan akbar….
kabir itu Allah maha besar….
bukan besar dalam arti bentuk….
tetapi bisa memahami….
dan melindungi yang kecil….
gajah lebih besar dari manusia….
mana yang lebih….
manusia dan gajah….?
begitulah perumpamaannya….