Disdainful describes many of the fans at the Turkey vs. Greece, who ignored the moment of silence, to mourn the victims of the Paris attacks, and instead infected it with barbaric jeering and booing. The cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ infiltrating the stadium with intentional hate-filled rhetoric.
The vicious nature of Islam was once again on display, as human life holds no value and respect for the victims of a heinous crime was celebrated.
Attendees tweeted out the irreverence of many in the crowd. One man stated: “DISGRACE: Minute of silence for #Paris Massacre booed at Turkey-Greece game, followed by chants of Allahu Akbar, both PMs in attendance.”
Another woman shared: “Istanbul fans boo minute of silence for Paris attacks, chant “Allahu akbar” before Turkey vs Greece soccer friendly.”
On page two watch for yourself the demonstration of what this religion is really like at its core. Islam is not a religion of peace, nor is it a religion of life and well being.
Must be dem moderate mooslims we keep hearing about… Just say’n
Well u know there were like 5 other countries who suffered attacks within 36 hours of the Paris attacks and maybe they were just wondering why it was only Paris seemed to deserve any moments of prayers or some basic human respect for the dead
It just shows they support Isis.
The Scumbag Turks were the first Muslum Caliphate to kill off all non Muslums
Savage pigs!
They should have walked off the field
dalam lagu kebangsaan prancis….
memang ada kata Allahu akbar….
God great….
people who yell this HAVE NO RESPECT!!!!!!!
Chanting Allah Akbar? I don’t think so.