Irreverence for human dignity and life is one of the attributes of Islam. Case in point, the moment of silence for Paris prior the the kickoff in the Istanbul stadium, where Muslim fans mocked, jeered and booed, while chanting “Allahu akbar”.
Unlike the foolish left who claims that Islam is peaceful or our ex-Secretary of State Hillary who stated, “Muslims Are Peaceful, Tolerant And Have Nothing To Do With Terrorism”, we see incidents like this, that demonstrate the opposite. Islam hates western culture.
Moderate Muslims are not represented in this situation, but rather a radical Islamic cult that despises life outside of their small ideology. These jeering people have hate as their religious underpinning. Even a former Harvard professor of Islamic Studies, Farid Esack, responded in a similar, hate-filled manner, “I am not praying for Paris; I am not condemning anyone. Why the hell should I?”
Source: Daily Caller
No names. But we will never stop ISIS. They are breeding hate faster then we can fight it.. That’s Right Breeding. These pour CHILDREN. They are MENTALLY ABUSED. FISCALLY ABUSED. SEXUALLY i said they are breeding hate.
This is about years and years of poverty and dispare..Riding on the back of religious beliefs to justify their twisted acts.. They have been lied to for so long about everything.
What David Noak not posting all of my comments. You think your some kind of Genius? Got this all figured out do you. Lol Take my comments put on your page add more comments LOL are you having conversation with YOURSELF?
Your not an idiot your crazy.
Stupid people.