“In the future, the smart network could track every place we go, everything we buy, everything we do all the time,” states CBS reporter Bill Whitaker.
‘Smart’ street lights have an LED system that can collect a vast amount of information on citizen’s every movement.
Being billed as a way to do everything from save money to detect dirty bombs, the Orwellian aspect makes this ‘seamless grid’ well beyond what our government can be trusted to have.
The fact that this new technology is showing up at the same time our government becomes despotic certainly is coincidental isn’t it?
We are paying them to do all these things, they use Our tax Money against us in every way possible!
LOL… The part about “In the future” and “could track” add a nice element of comedy to this. 😀
They are right our government cannot be trusted with this much information.
1984 all over again________________BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!
What needs to be done is a bill passed that no technology can be used to spy on citizenry. That way they can only waste money if they build it because no one would be able to use it. The only place I can understand this being used at is in an airport, train, or a federal building. And ONLY for sniffing out explosive devises. For schools, guns since we do not need guns at schools. But anywhere else? NO! Laws need to be passed to stop this now. That way we do not have to try to keep up with technology, yet technology must comply with law!
stop using debit cards, credit cards, cell phones, magnetize the drivers license, drive older car without all the electronic c**p and don’t worry about it.
What they need to track is them-self’s they are the low down law braking scum of the earth. Any one so scumbag they think they need to track are every move is a criminal ready to pound on the good citizen’s to rob. them of their worldly goods an human right’s. Evil is as evil dose.
“National Security” my backside! This has got to stop. Every chance the government has it is invading the lives of ordinary citizens and yet it will not get involved with the various armed compounds that have been established buy Muslim militants, (Just look at Northern Virginia!!!), so as to remain “PC”.
Invasion of privacy
Want to stop it? Take aaallllllllllll that money and investments. Don’t forget the largest of them all LOBBISTS!