The sheriff of the small Wisconsin town Stettin sent an armored military vehicle and 24 armed police officers to collect a debt from a 75-year-old man who owed the municipality $86,000 due to a civil judgement.
The police called the the armored vehicle in when the knocked on the door and nobody answered, yet they could hear noises inside. This alarmed the police enough to call in the armored vehicle, fearing the 75-year-old man, fearing for their safety, they state.
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true enough Douglas they need to quit posting stuff thats weeks old or day’s old for that matter
but as far as this post is concerned this was excessive in all ways there are money,man power etc it was insane and showed that there is no responcibility in that town whatsoever or in wisconsin for that matter considering that states govenor did nothing about it and he should had done so
How about using all that power to force Sharpton to pay his taxes that he owes?
Is this Hitlers Germany or the U S
Al Sharpton owes way more money than that guy, oh, i forgot, he is buddies with OBUMMER!!
Misuse of government property! Barbara is right they should take the equipment to the Sharpton residence and collect from Al….(of course he’s probably having dinner at the White House and won’t be home). Pathetic!
Sounds like a bunch of BULLIES to me.
Get it from all sharpton!!!
Sharpton owes more than this fellow but then he does have connections.Friends in high places.