The sheriff of the small Wisconsin town Stettin sent an armored military vehicle and 24 armed police officers to collect a debt from a 75-year-old man who owed the municipality $86,000 due to a civil judgement.
The police called the the armored vehicle in when the knocked on the door and nobody answered, yet they could hear noises inside. This alarmed the police enough to call in the armored vehicle, fearing the 75-year-old man, fearing for their safety, they state.
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Like a sene from Nazi Germany,
Really? , -Laughs- You pathetic hypocrites! Hey , get a f’n life boys.
You really are clueless aren’t you? So you would prefer we live in a police state huh? “Those who would give up Liberty for a little security deserve neither.”
Appears the tide tyranny is rolling in, comatose America hasn’t awaken.
What are you saying? .. Not cool
LOl.. idiots huh
Martial law would probably occur during a hawkish Republican administration.
Action speak’s louder then words
LOL . Pathetic huh?, Punks
LOl .. good one