The sheriff of the small Wisconsin town Stettin sent an armored military vehicle and 24 armed police officers to collect a debt from a 75-year-old man who owed the municipality $86,000 due to a civil judgement.
The police called the the armored vehicle in when the knocked on the door and nobody answered, yet they could hear noises inside. This alarmed the police enough to call in the armored vehicle, fearing the 75-year-old man, fearing for their safety, they state.
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Government out of controll
There are so many things wrong with this action. A town that can fine a citizen 86,000.00 dollars for a trashy looking property? A town that can steal his property and sell it for not paying that fine? And then fine him more? A town government that can tell it’s people, with a straight face, that an armored vehicle is necessary to control a 75 year old man? When are the people going to wake up?
worthless government employees—totally not worth a damn…………….
stay there and offer your neighbor a roast pork sandwich as good faith and being neighbors sharing with his neighbors
People need to obey the law. He disobeyed the law for years and threatened the police. People need to get off the police are bad and start preaching personal responsibility.
No threats… local news had the chief stating he was argumentative in the past
He must have been the toughest old man alive
Will the Federal Government send a jet fighter to collect their debts?
Things get stupider everyday. Where do these people come from that do such stupid things to other people. The police should be ashamed
The cops in Wisconsin have that much penis envy?