The sheriff of the small Wisconsin town Stettin sent an armored military vehicle and 24 armed police officers to collect a debt from a 75-year-old man who owed the municipality $86,000 due to a civil judgement.
The police called the the armored vehicle in when the knocked on the door and nobody answered, yet they could hear noises inside. This alarmed the police enough to call in the armored vehicle, fearing the 75-year-old man, fearing for their safety, they state.
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The sheriff must have an inferiority complex! Why not send Seal Team Six?
Good grief, what next!
If you think this is bad, wait til you see the BIG ROUND UP. Those huge Tent Camps aren’t for the Boy Scouts.
WTH??????? Are You KIDDING??? MORON”S!
70% of america voted for totalitarians in 2 consecutive elections. I don’t feel sorry for you.
Off the charts….STUPID!!! This country is in big trouble!!!
I think that’s called “over kill”.
that is how I expect them to come for me……….
PIGS are getting us ready for a police state.
Cops with gun turrets is not police, it’s military. these douche bags have real issues. And the vehicles are hardly street legal. the headlights have obstructions, Check out FMVSS108, cops violate all the rules, while imposing them on all others.