The sheriff of the small Wisconsin town Stettin sent an armored military vehicle and 24 armed police officers to collect a debt from a 75-year-old man who owed the municipality $86,000 due to a civil judgement.
The police called the the armored vehicle in when the knocked on the door and nobody answered, yet they could hear noises inside. This alarmed the police enough to call in the armored vehicle, fearing the 75-year-old man, fearing for their safety, they state.
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Bernie Fife police force…overkill….
Armor does not protect these people when they go home at the end of the day or night. If these people want to play war, attack them day, or night. War is, what the police have declared on the American population. So as patriots we should stand and fight. 24 hours a day.
Robert Dwight Leggett: I take it you live in this town? Near it? Across the street from the sheriff’s office? If it is a lie, please document same, not just say it’s a lie, need proof, just like I need proof this happened. I have relatives near this town and will do some checking……………….sounds like more than you have done…….flapping lips without anything to go with it.
They should go to Washington, D. C., and practice all of their enforcement skills there!
just dumb
Its just the intimidation tactic!
Must have been behind on taxes.. Smh
Take it to the Mexicans and Muslims