The EPA’s own data, being used to push the regulations on methane gas, should be analyzed without environmental blinders on. Their own graph demonstrates that the more natural gas that is produced, the lower the methane emissions. One “naturally” must say, “Let’s produce more gas!”
HotAir reports,
The methane in the ground is the primary component in natural gas. We’re drilling for natural gas. Any methane that escapes the well is literally money floating away into the air. It’s a bad business model. Believe me, if the drilling companies can get the methane emission levels down to zero (and they are trying their level best) they’re going to do it and it won’t be to make the EPA happy. They want the money. I’m not sure how to put that any more simply.
Mr. Obama needs to let the free market and the innovations in the gas and oil business to be free of cumbersome regulations. This industry has a greater incentive to reduce methane gas emissions and that is profit. It is win-win, more natural gas, more profit, less emissions.
Photo: Wolfro54 on Flickr
We need to get rid of th EPA!
Trump is and will be a bigger tyrant than obama could ever hope to be just another party name but same hope and change real hope and change comes when you get the next revolution started and clean the houses
Abolish the Environment Polluting Agency ASAP… before more damage is done
You should be happy with King Barack with all his cons$#%&!@*utional violations. He has a revolution going already. His “divide and conquer” policy is in full swing.
The EPA a waste of our money
At some point, all Americans should start caring!!!
how stupid that smoke is steam dummy
coal is clean with all the filter systems the waste is used in making roads other building systems.