His name is Abdul Shalabi.
While everyone watches Pope Francis, Obama quietly released a noted terrorist from Gitmo. And no, he did not do it through any normal legal channels. He just decided. More on the next page:
His name is Abdul Shalabi.
While everyone watches Pope Francis, Obama quietly released a noted terrorist from Gitmo. And no, he did not do it through any normal legal channels. He just decided. More on the next page:
Your exactly right and he is with them
“Dangerous terrorist”
He releases them and they join isis or come to Afghanistan to assist taliban
And he still continues to destroy America! WHY WHY WHY ARE WE LETTING HIM DO THIS?
Obama is a total traitor and should be considered a terrorist and therefore arrested and one in prison for these crimes
Doug Monroe
Hang this Muslim love trator
he will be remembered as the muslim that accomplished his mission to destroy America!I do know that if America doesn’t WAKE UP AND STAND UP NOW IT JUST MIGHT BE TO LATE. I think most of Americans are waiting for the enemy to kill someone in their own family before they stand up but you kno that’s when it’s going to be to late.