Of course, there has been human trafficing and slavery throughout the generations in most countries and within our country to a limited degree, until now.
In this moment we are witnessing immigrants, mainly Muslims, who have a completely different culture coming in and engaging in activities we as a people gave up so long ago.
Here we are talking about…slavery.
Click the link below to read more:
We need to rid our country of this trash!
America its time to wake up,NOW….the no SHAME PARTY….2014 2016
thank a democrat
Filthy pig democrats
Sorry Joshua Galvan…you are wrong. China executes more prisoners than any other country. As many as 5,000 per year. Then they harvest your organs. Check your stats..
oh but there such nice people, lol, what a joke, ship them back.
a black man re-instituting slavery
There is no place an the U.S for Sharia Law, the Burka or the hijab! Actually, there is no place in a civilized society for them!
This is just more of Broke Insane Obummer’s plan to destroy the US>