Of course, there has been human trafficing and slavery throughout the generations in most countries and within our country to a limited degree, until now.
In this moment we are witnessing immigrants, mainly Muslims, who have a completely different culture coming in and engaging in activities we as a people gave up so long ago.
Here we are talking about…slavery.
Click the link below to read more:
So you claim Americans had evolved cultural values? Lmfao what a joke
This has got to end. These are children we are talking about.
Its called SLAVE TRADING, That’s what obumer and the democrats are doing. They are bring the SLAVES from south America and telling them if they vote for them they can stay in the US. with benefits.
o-effin-bammy is flying the muzzy slave’s in here daily !!!!!!!!!
This is called transforming America!!All illegals are democrat voters!!Don’t have our values and uneducated!!!
the morons voted for a change and change we got.
Obama brings disaster to America
Let’s turn Obama into a slave and impeach and in prison his guilty ass
There are Chinese – own companies (Bedford Park, Il) who ONLY hire Chinese nationals for management and technical positions (except some pretty good girl ) and Illegals ONLY for the production plant. And THERE IS MORE, MUCH MORE; AND IT IS HAPPENING LONG BEFORE OBAMA !!! BUT, ANYBODY WHO RAISE IT VOICE IS LABEL AS PREJUDICE !!! WHAT A TRAVESTY AND HYPOCRECY !!!
Your totally right. Only now, has it brought to the ATTENTION OF OTHERS.