Talk about contradictions..
Andy Parker, father of the slain journalist, Alison Parker, that captivated the nation, the man calls for more gun control.
That’s not too surprising…but, then…the man goes out to buy a gun for protection….
Talk about contradictions..
Andy Parker, father of the slain journalist, Alison Parker, that captivated the nation, the man calls for more gun control.
That’s not too surprising…but, then…the man goes out to buy a gun for protection….
So let me get this straight lately there’s been posts on Facebook that the shooting was a hoax well then produce the individuals that were shot and killed and then I’ll believe it
And then for people to say that it was a white guy that shot these individuals clearly the guy was black he a light complexion
The whole shooting was faked by the Obama administration. Do the research… or better yet, just open your eyes.
I wounder How much it COST Him TO p$#%&!@* A back ground check?
Gun control is nothing but common sense, 1. NEVER point a gun at anything you do not want to shot; 2. Remember that all guns are LOADED; NEVER trust your gun to anybody you would not want in your life.
Can you say hypocracy
He has a gun
hypocrisy is a liberal mainstay