SJW Music Video Glorifies Killing Trump Supporters

SJWs, liberal supremacy and their little activist groups, are the new KKK and white supremacy. We have to stop minimizing these SJWs as sore losers living in their mommy’s basement upset with President Trump, and all his supporters. They harbor a murderous hate combined with a repulsiveness so unsettling it is enough to make one wish to believe the narrative that they’re just little kids suffering from stupidity, not liberal psychopathy.

And I would go into why this is all such a messed-up problem but why when somebody with the eloquence of a 21st century Shakespeare has already done the job so brilliantly.

I mean you trust the man who can describe a man like “Justin Beiber after 10 years of Meth”. Right. You can see that. Little to no imagination needed there – check it out,

Yup, you got the dessert before the green beans. Here is the actual Goodnight Alt-Right video,

And now Reddit,

Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Above? The best reader comment in this whole entire Goodnight Alt-Right, Fuckthealtright subreddit. But yeah the one below isn’t half bad either.

To assume that someone who is for tolerance of other cultures as a general notion will be tolerant is just stupid.

Liberal supremacy at it’s finest… #socialjusticewarriors





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