Drones are now a part of 60 police departments across the United States, where training and certification requests have occurred and according to AFP, “Up to two dozen police forces are currently fully equipped with drones and trained to use them.”
The police departments argue that drones are cheaper than helicopters and thus should be embarrassed. However, citizens have spoken up with the valid concern that tracking, surveillance and now weaponization is an infringement on freedom.
Find out how one needs to wake up to the danger of drones on page 2:
build yours for air to air combat. aka snoopy & the red baron.
be great for crowd control , riot,s should be armed with weapon,s
Get ready cause they will be dropping out of the sky when I’m shooting them
Get a remote control and different chips . See a drone ..gain control . Fly it away . You are closer than them .your signal will be stronger. That happens a few times maybe they will get the message . ” I dunno it just went straight up then came crashing down , don’t know why ?”
Count the cameras on you in a day . Surprise ! Wake up. Big brother is everywhere .
If one breaks into my perimeter down it goes….
that is extreme over reach by the government/agencies and people need to make this stop. this is an attack on american freedoms, liberties, privacy. this is absolutely unacceptable by any government agency
Kristian Marku