Leave it to California liberals to fiddle – or virtue signal to their impressionable left-wing constituents as it were – as Rome burns and their state inches ever closer to complete collapse.
After decades of relentless Democratic governance and progressive policy, the state of the Sunshine State is anything but sunny. The economy is in shambles, the education system is failing, and crime is rising in the cities. You would think that with all this going on the knuckleheads in Sacremento, San Francisco, and city boards across the state would reverse course and try to repair the damage they and their ideological ilk have wrought.
But instead of addressing any of these very real problems, the politicians continue to blame all their troubles on others and, like the good liberals they are, single out President Trump for criticism even as they struggle to get their own house in order.
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The problem…Liberals, straight and gay!! They feel they can and should shove their agendas down California’s throats. DNC liberal policies don’t help this state, it hurts…they have killed this state. Didn’t even mention immigration, if that’s what you want to call it. That term in and of itself suggests a legal process of bringing and allowing people from another country who can offer this country something entrance to this country. Sacramento uses the term wrong, to them the term means shielding lawbreakers.
DUMB, Dumb and dumb!
Dear God, please protect Presiden
They dont want to fix it. just sucking it dry with taxes & more taxes going to special interests. Getting full of welfare & illegals needing aid so more taxes go up.
Don’t they know that’s not how it works! I guess stupidity IS contagious.
Because Trump is apparently to blame for your woes and not your intelligence or city council and leadership!
The media aren’t drinking the kool aid anymore, the media drive the daily narrative and the democrats are their enforcement mechanism to enact the crazy laws they push
Ignorance and stupidity breeds ignorance and stupidity, and until that chain is broken, it will always be.
Hell im from Texas and we have more gold in one inch than California has in a mile of dirt