Leave it to California liberals to fiddle – or virtue signal to their impressionable left-wing constituents as it were – as Rome burns and their state inches ever closer to complete collapse.
After decades of relentless Democratic governance and progressive policy, the state of the Sunshine State is anything but sunny. The economy is in shambles, the education system is failing, and crime is rising in the cities. You would think that with all this going on the knuckleheads in Sacremento, San Francisco, and city boards across the state would reverse course and try to repair the damage they and their ideological ilk have wrought.
But instead of addressing any of these very real problems, the politicians continue to blame all their troubles on others and, like the good liberals they are, single out President Trump for criticism even as they struggle to get their own house in order.
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Sickos can’t admit responsibility for what they’ve done to their own city and citizens over the years
President Trump has nothing to do with this.
On what basis you fools? Public opinion of a minority or even a majority has no relevance in this impeachment nonissue whatsoever. Fact check the house of representatives is who votes on such an issue NOT public. Such an issue must be based on a president committing a crime while on office Not people whining cause their choice for president didn’t win the election so wah wah grow up
The dirtiest city, city of racist, bigots. Elitist, CONMAN.
Yet in the liberal mind they deludedly claim trump n his votersrts to be the fascists
what has he done to be impeached??? become President SORRY LOSERS DEAL WITH IT!!! WE had to deal with President Obama!
This is what Democrats Liberals leftist and Muslims want for America and the World!
What does that tell us? Are they all illegal?
I’m not a trump fan at all Jimmy! There were way better men in the running for the job. But I would have voted for Charles Manson before that crook hillary! I just don’t understand the voters in this state. Democrats have absolutely ruined it! Look at this place! Look at Detroit, Chicago, New York, New Jersey! Everywhere things are messed up democrats are in control!
So what’s his crime, you idiots?