Leave it to California liberals to fiddle – or virtue signal to their impressionable left-wing constituents as it were – as Rome burns and their state inches ever closer to complete collapse.
After decades of relentless Democratic governance and progressive policy, the state of the Sunshine State is anything but sunny. The economy is in shambles, the education system is failing, and crime is rising in the cities. You would think that with all this going on the knuckleheads in Sacremento, San Francisco, and city boards across the state would reverse course and try to repair the damage they and their ideological ilk have wrought.
But instead of addressing any of these very real problems, the politicians continue to blame all their troubles on others and, like the good liberals they are, single out President Trump for criticism even as they struggle to get their own house in order.
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A entire city that needs a poopy diaper change. They are stinking up the country.
gee,I guess they are waiting for the DC Comics version of the Constitution to read it. How in the world did this group of idiots in Bilgewater CA. Think that anyone would care if they voted to impeach Trump. Heck their chamber of commerce gave up all hope a d simply closed.
Babababbababanananaa ya all sickening heisies ya all cant impeached Thrump he has done nothing to bebinpeached what it is ya all xant get yousies ways n be in charge may all not like that so get over it because our THRUMP gona be in office for ten years or kore while you brainwashed evilness disnt do all these wirh ya fault obama n hillerykiller know why because ya all so flicjering scare of them that’s why
Let’s vote California out of us stst n.let them whine because they won’t get no help
Frickin libatards, where do they get the idea they and they alone can impeach a president. What fools they are.
Not going to happen!! Can’t impeach a president for doing he’s job!!!
Fuk those liberal scumbags
Yea right, that’s going to happen, not