Recently a veteran from New Jersey, Mario Alejandro, claimed that Six Flags denied him access to their park because his shirt read “Keep Calm And Return Fire” and had a gun on it. The shirt was black and the text and gun was in red, white and blue.
“Our goal is to maintain a fun, safe and family-friendly environment. Our dress code does not permit clothing with vulgar, offensive or violent language or images,” stated Kristin B. Siebeneicher, a spokeswoman for Six Flags.
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Six Flags Denies A Veteran Entrance Because Of Pro-Gun Shirt
Although the shirt is obviously in support of the United States, somehow it was either vulgar, offensive or violent. The best guess would probably be ‘violent’ as anti-gunners feel the sight of a gun will make everyone go crazy and want to shoot each other.
‘Gun fear’ is one mechanism created across this country in order to disarm America. The sight of a gun should be a symbol of freedom and sovereignty of the citizen – now it is being vilified.
“Our goal is to maintain a fun, safe and family-friendly environment. Our dress code does not permit clothing with vulgar, offensive or violent language or images,” she wrote. “If a guest is wearing such attire, we ask them to remove and replace it with another item of clothing; and if they do not have one, they are able to purchase a replacement item at a gift shop.”
Siebeneicher added that Six Flags is extremely proud of its longstanding relationship with the U.S. military.
“We work closely with them throughout the season to offer special events that honor our service men and women and their families, including a recent July 4th tribute, and an upcoming ‘Salute the Troops’ event over the Labor Day weekend,” she said. “In addition, active members of the Army, Navy and Air Force helped open our new thrill ride this summer.”
But Alejandro said no veteran should ever be treated he way he was on Saturday.
“At the very least should revise their policy,” he said. “I fought for this country. I laid in a hole for 36 hours with no sleep, and had friends die for this country and so the people here could have the freedom to things like visit amusement parks. So when they told me that I couldn’t come in there with my family because of my shirt – a patriotic shirt – it hurt a lot. No other veteran should ever have to experience that.”
Boooo… Bad Six Flags!
F em
The word offends and offensive need to be removed from the dictionary. Truth is not offensive!!
Won’t be going to Six Flags ever again, they should be closed down and shut out. He should have sued them!!!!!!!!
We are a land of pussies.
Many years ago, Six Flags in NJ refused to let my cousin in because they found his long hair and beard “offensive”
Blackball Six Flags!!!!
typical democratic and republican world we live in…… America is $#%&!@*ed up. VOTE LIBERTARIAN