After seven days enduring Ahmed Mohamed’s continuing 15 minutes of fame, the liberals should end it, but they didn’t. Now the story is completely falling apart.
As more details surface, it becomes obvious that the teen lied about his clock “creation,” then refused to cooperate with police, and is now getting rewarded with fame and all sorts of free goodies. Given the relish Ahmed’s father, a known publicity dog, displayed in soaking it all up, one knows this was cooked up from the get-go. More on this stinky story on the next page:
Behead the muslims. Fast. They have virgin goats waiting.
the apple doesnt fall far from the tree!
Go to a freaking muslin school then. Oh wait a minute, muslims don’t build schools, they only blow then up!
This is what happens when dummies do not see all the facts and later find out they are really out to cause problems in our country because we do not live like them cutting off heads and so if you do not beleave like them.
pukes all need to be shipped out
Corn ball
To the gallows with them
And guess who was the FIRST to congratulate him?? obama of course… tells you all you need to know…. what a freakin’ jerk… won’t say a dang word about the kids of murdered cops, but jumps on the bandwagon of some muslim kid who picks apart a clock….