After seven days enduring Ahmed Mohamed’s continuing 15 minutes of fame, the liberals should end it, but they didn’t. Now the story is completely falling apart.
As more details surface, it becomes obvious that the teen lied about his clock “creation,” then refused to cooperate with police, and is now getting rewarded with fame and all sorts of free goodies. Given the relish Ahmed’s father, a known publicity dog, displayed in soaking it all up, one knows this was cooked up from the get-go. More on this stinky story on the next page:
More mooslam trickery!
Deport them now!!
Liberals are morons period
This family is a big joke
Fk all Muslim s
I see nothing funny about his actions.
Well said couldn’t have said it any better
i believe it was the pres jumped on it so fast he knew it was comming
Jail them all
shoot him and his family they are terrorists