After seven days enduring Ahmed Mohamed’s continuing 15 minutes of fame, the liberals should end it, but they didn’t. Now the story is completely falling apart.
As more details surface, it becomes obvious that the teen lied about his clock “creation,” then refused to cooperate with police, and is now getting rewarded with fame and all sorts of free goodies. Given the relish Ahmed’s father, a known publicity dog, displayed in soaking it all up, one knows this was cooked up from the get-go. More on this stinky story on the next page:
Invite her to the whitehouse .
SEND THE WHOLE FAMILY back to where they came from
I am not surprised
The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
So Mr. President would you still like him to bring the clock to the White House for you to see it !! Unbelievable
We call this a pattern. Did she get a call from Obama as well?
Execute Islam
Oops. There goes the narrative.
There should be some sort of plan for the actions going on here these are actions that should not go un acknowledged. And un handled our safety is at hand .
Some nit wit from Orange City,Ia had letter in Sioux City paper to day complaining about nasty people picking on poor brilliant muzzie kid ! From what I read kid was just a so so student and there was no school project ! Just another commie lib distraction !
How about ovomit send about 60,000 of those muzzies he’s planning on to Orange City,Ia They will be welcome with open arms !