If you’re looking to save on your water bill and become a bit more self-sufficient you might consider building a rainwater collection system.
The video on the next page provides excellent instruction for a simple, single-barrel system that anyone can build.
Sadly, you must check with local laws before building such a system as some cities and towns have labeled rainwater collections as ‘stealing water’.
The people crossing the border are illegal too…..but I still get to pay for their sh#t! I’ll build one if I want and hide the thing where they can’t see it. Besides, if everyone did it where it was illegal, they’d have to build more jails! Besides, they ask us to conserve water, and this is conserving!
their afraid the rain water won’t make it to the aquifer so they can charge for pumping it back to you for a fee
save all you want just shut up about it is all!
New Hampshire it is okay but some western states like Colorado, Utah, Washington, it is illegal to collect rainwater
in some states the idiots politiians have made this illegal
Remember when obama shut down using the ocean? The head of Nestle has made comments about we lesser people don’t deserve the best water. They are also discussing taxing us on our *flatulance in the future. After all it is pollution. This is all to what end? Ultimate big government control.
Until the EPA finds out and fines you !!!!
Didn’t you know that rain belongs to the government!
It belongs to mother nature and she doesn’t mind if we collect it
“stealing water’? ridiculous! i have placed all my livestock watering tanks alongside my sheds to catch the free rainwater for decades and will continue to do so!