What are the benefits of rainwater collection?
- Rainwater is a relatively clean and absolutely free source of water
- You have total control over your water supply (ideal for cities with water restrictions)
- It is socially acceptable and environmentally responsible
- It promotes self-sufficiency and helps conserve water
- Rainwater is better for landscape plants and gardens because it is not chlorinated
- It reduces stormwater runoff from homes and businesses
- It can solve the drainage problems on your property while providing you with free water
- It uses simple technologies that are inexpensive and easy to maintain
- It can be used as a main source of water or as a back up source to wells and municipal water
- The system can be easily retrofitted to an existing structure or built during new home construction
- System are very flexible and can be modular in nature, allowing expansion, reconfiguration, or relocation, if neccesary
- It can provide an excellent back-up source of water for emergencies
What are the uses of collected rainwater?
You can essentially use rainwater anywhere you use tap water. The idea of using drinking water to flush our toilets and water our lawns is wasteful and irresponsible, especially in light of population growth and water shortages across the country. Rainwater collection is a technique to green your home and to lessen your environmental footprint.
There are basically three areas where rainwater can be used:
- Irrigation use
- Indoor, non-potable use
- Whole house, potable use
Here are some ideas for specific uses of rainwater:
- Hand water your lawn and garden
- Connect rainwater collection system to irrigation/sprinkler system
- Wash your vehicles
- Wash your pets
- Refill your fountains and fish ponds
- Refill your swimming pool
- Replace the use of tap water with rainwater to wash your driveways and sidewalks (if you don’t use a broom)
- Use it for all indoor non-potable fixtures (toilets and clothes washer)
- Use it for all potable needs when properly filtered and disinfected
- Use it for industrial processes instead of municipally treated water
How much rain can I collect?
The amount of rainfall that you can collect is governed by the following formula:
1″ of rain x 1 sq. ft. = 0.623 gallons
Or put in an easy form to remember :
1″ of rain from 1,000 sq. ft. will provide 623 gallons
To calculate the amount of rainwater you can collect, you need to know your annual average precipitation for your area. You can use the precipitation map below to find an approximate amount for your area (click for a zoomed image).
I would breath a sigh of relief if this was just a bunch of Hippie rejects from the 60’s. Do your homework, Obama has made these types of changes to all departments and in m$#%&!@*.
Hope so. Having been involved for years politically on local, state & federal levels, I’m tired of the corruption. We need term limits for all political offices. 99% end up feeding their own pockets. It’s always been a source of astonishment that a new Congressman enters as a regular Joe with moderate means and just a few short months later. Wha la. He’s a billionaire! We need to demand that politicians I’m Washington must abide by all the laws they p$#%&!@* on us! THEY shouldn’t have an exemption from Obama Care! A
Sorry to report you are in error. Read the regs.
Obama’s Tzar at the EPA
Just imagine now that the EPA controls the water that farmers can use. The EPA is now able to control our food supply. Think this is Orwellian? Just look at what Obama has done to the Cattlemen with the use of water and grazing rights. He has imposed very high grazing fees and water usage
Control is the only way Communism works. Look at Obama’s Marxist background. Oh, I forgot, his college papers are sealed!
Wish you would stop calling this idiotic or stupid. They know exactly what they are doing. Control
The “Smith program” of insanity is out of control… People need to Look up the Veterans Party of America, and we can take this Country back- their on Facebook too.
I’d like to know if YOU have read the regs, before you use such language. Keep drinking the cool aid, dame Shia
Buzz off