Summer weather is heating up, so you know just how important keeping cool can be.
We found this great money-saving tip to keep you cool: Not only comfort is a factor, in fact every year people die due to heat. Keeping even a small area of your home cool in toasty summer weather can be very expensive if you use your air conditioner. Instead, this simple air conditioner, an easy DIY project cools down a small area, and can be made in just a few minutes out of simple parts.
This is a great way to re-purpose a few parts that you probably already have laying around. Check out the full video & how-to after the jump:
Wonder if cools the whole room or just what its aiming at
Jason Mannetta Karagiorgis
Why not just buy an air conditioner you broke-ass hillbillies!!
Isaac Wilkes
TAGGING John Barnes
Lisa Palmer Thurfield
If you Freeze water in jugs it will keep longer, then just switch them for frozen, and repete
dry ice
Lenny Rodriguez make this
Need one in the shop