…so how worried should we be after this blast of ‘uhs’ during this week’s Iraq press conference? Watch below as President Obama, elected (twice!) because his supporters were bewitched by his smooth-talking manner, his superior intelligence, bumbles through more than 140 ‘uhs’. Share if you feel like Obama’s trying to mislead us again?
“ya i watched some of it are sure this man has had any schooling im not people who have no demplomas are smarter than him”. Irony called. They love your quote.
uh! ……………….thats all the time! full of lies……………….
The best speech ever from an arragont narcissist.
and starts to studder too that lying ass skunk monkey
Impeach, convict, incarcerate.
What do say when u r lying?
Earl j Solomon, that is not how it works in America. If we the people no longer want him as president, we can remove him from office. Stop drinking the kool aid. They feed it to all of you who know nothing of history. Do you know who freed the slaves? Do you know what party he was? Do you know who granted civil rights? Do you know which party was mostly affiliated with the KKK? You peg republicans as racist yet the freed the slaves and granted civil rights while the KKK democrats fought it tooth and nail. Now there is a terrorist in office stepping all over our constitution and laws and all you kool aid drinkers can cry is racism. Give it a rest loser.
More hateful ignorant propaganda against our democratically elected President from misguided and delusional conservatives
You wanna see a stammering fool, show ANY video of Dubya.
Interesting how flexible puppet Obama Administration has made all laws, practices, & religions of the USA towards Muslims!!! And at the same time, restricting Christianity!!!
America has always been the “melting pot” of humanity. A country where ALL RACES, from all countries, were welcomed as legal immigrants.
Some things, radical things, have been changed by the puppet Obama Administration, that have threatened, if not already DESTROYED, this great melting pot of the USA!!!
Islamic Muslims have been brought illegally to the USA & immediately, we legal citizens are told to change our ways to Muslim!!!
Islamic Muslims need to be banned from the USA!!!
Puppet Obama Administration pushes GUN CONTROL, as a diversion from their push to change our Christian Country to Muslim!!!
Gun control legislation represents the MENTAL ATTITUDE of the puppet Obama Administration & the George Soros puppets in Congress, NOT THE LEGAL CITIZENS OF THE USA!!
Congress needs to be working on REMOVING ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS from
The USA!!!
All illegal alien Islamic Muslims now within the USA BORDERS, need to be arrested & sent to Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana to work on swamp land reclamation shoveling mud 12 hours a day for 10 years each!!!
All Mexican illegal aliens need to be arrested & sent to build a 20 foot high solid 3 foot thick steel reinforced wall along the entire USA/Mexican border!!!
Congress needs to stop representing ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!
Congress has to STOP WASTING CONGRESSIONAL TIME debating ILLEGAL LEGISLATION that benefits illegal aliens; while Congress IGNORES legislation that would KEEP USA RESOURCES within our USA BORDERS!!!
Congress has to stop the USA TAX DOLLARS being spent on illegal aliens welfare, food stamps, housing, AND K-12 illegal alien education!!!
http://www.israpundit.com/archives/63592100 2018 -and, by some indications, such numbers could be as high as 150 million. Naturally, their presence would imply an intrinsic establishment of sharia law as the law of the American nation.
What a joke puppet Obama is making of the OFFICE OF THE USA PRESIDENT!!!
Instead of supporting EXISTING LAWS, the puppet is entertaining ILLEGAL ALIEN law breakers AT THE White House!!!
USA already has Existing ILLEGAL ALIEN LAWS that HAVE BEEN IGNORED over the past 5 & 1/2 years, by the Obama Administration & Democrat Congress!!!
Laws that EXPLAIN FULLY what should have been done to ILLEGL ALIENS!!!
Laws that have been ignored, while a well paid CONGRESS wastes tax payers money & time DEBATING ENDLESSLY TO FOSTER “illegal-actions”!!!