…so how worried should we be after this blast of ‘uhs’ during this week’s Iraq press conference? Watch below as President Obama, elected (twice!) because his supporters were bewitched by his smooth-talking manner, his superior intelligence, bumbles through more than 140 ‘uhs’. Share if you feel like Obama’s trying to mislead us again?
It won’t let me see the video…
Thief liar user traitor self asorbed no count president.. did I miss anything?
yes he speaks with two tongues out both sides of his mouth and both sides are mostly lies.
What? No prompters I guess!!!
They cleverly deleted all his “uh” when he took the oath!
u can when hes lying his lips move
He really thinks he is a king!!! Have you seen him walk with his hands behind his back, as if he were some kind of king or prince!!!
Have you ever notice before he lies he looks down?
(Transcript of entire speech) “Duh, duh, duh, and duh. Y’know whut ahm’ sayin’, man?”
I watch this he had too think how many lies too give too the news I didn’t believe one word out of his mouth