…so how worried should we be after this blast of ‘uhs’ during this week’s Iraq press conference? Watch below as President Obama, elected (twice!) because his supporters were bewitched by his smooth-talking manner, his superior intelligence, bumbles through more than 140 ‘uhs’. Share if you feel like Obama’s trying to mislead us again?
he is the biggest lier ever
Well that’s all the time. it’s also bad grammar.
Dacey Booker you must be one of the Obama idiots, and one of the reasons our country is going down the toilet!!! Obama is a liar, socialist and a Muslim brotherhood terrorist !!! Wake up stupid he hates America and he hates us!!!
absolutely insane, I wonder why we send kids 2 school if they end up 2 b the dumbest, don’t have common sense @ the end, if you’re stupid u own it
He’s definitely a master of eloquent, and insincere, rhetoric!!
Uh uh uh and I’m great, yes uh uh uh BS
Watch body language: hands, facial muscles, tone of voice;etc.
his supporters are living turds