…so how worried should we be after this blast of ‘uhs’ during this week’s Iraq press conference? Watch below as President Obama, elected (twice!) because his supporters were bewitched by his smooth-talking manner, his superior intelligence, bumbles through more than 140 ‘uhs’. Share if you feel like Obama’s trying to mislead us again?
This butt hole ONLY lies.
WRONG, the only time Obama is lying is when he opens his mouth
Impeach the liars
That shows how stupid they are!
those fkin idiots would not know knowledge if the got hit with a library
hay lo tienes despues de meterse su buena , mariguana recreativa dando el discurso.
The real OBAMA!!!
There is no “Truth” coming from “Truth and Action.” And, oh yeah, he’s not a socialist.
Was his teleprompter broke again?