…so how worried should we be after this blast of ‘uhs’ during this week’s Iraq press conference? Watch below as President Obama, elected (twice!) because his supporters were bewitched by his smooth-talking manner, his superior intelligence, bumbles through more than 140 ‘uhs’. Share if you feel like Obama’s trying to mislead us again?
all they saw was the free stuff he was giving them!!!! 🙁
what a piece of $#%&!@*, why isn’t congress starting the impeachment process
‘Silver-tongued’ isn’t an accurate description of Obama because anyone with any sense knows he’s a pathological liar.
what an ass hole.
obama please go away… far far away, you are no good for our country. so leave please
He says ‘uh’ a lot and ‘make sure’ sick of him.
Vallerie Jarrett is the brains at the WH, all he is a slick tounge street activist and that’s all he knows