…so how worried should we be after this blast of ‘uhs’ during this week’s Iraq press conference? Watch below as President Obama, elected (twice!) because his supporters were bewitched by his smooth-talking manner, his superior intelligence, bumbles through more than 140 ‘uhs’. Share if you feel like Obama’s trying to mislead us again?
And that’s always.
Worthless loser.
Yep, he’s a master con artist alright. A snake oil salesman of the highest order.
His world is crashing down around him and he is just starting to realize the gravity of his own level of disgrace!
To be fair, an article and edited video that uses the same techniques as major media outlets in a bid to make the subject look like an idiot doesn’t do much to inform me. Show us the full video and let us make our own minds up. We’re here because we aren’t fools; treat us as such please. Post the entire interview.
How do you tell if Obama is lying….He opens his mouth. [my husband’s statement and I concur].
When he stumbles verbally it is because his ear bug has a dead battery. The teleprompter was embarrassing so they now give him a ear feed.
LOL probably true! When he says “uh” he is trying to think up something profound. How about “uh” resigning.
He says uh a lot