As the migrant crisis in Europe wages on, many have looked to their governments to sort out the mess.
Apparently, this is no longer. Sensing that the liberal European governments were the cause of the crisis in the first place, many local organizations are taking it upon themselves to rid their communities of the new populations that have caused crime and chaos across the continent.
In Sicily, this cause has been taken up by none other than the Mafia themselves. While their local government has surrendered their communities to the influx of migrants, the Mafia is fighting back, declaring war on these new people, in an attempt to make their cities Italian once again.
Their declaration of war hasn’t gone unnoticed, however. and many officials are vowing to fight back.
To see their declaration of war, and their government’s response, continue reading on he next page:
waste em bad Mafia!
They are no more then terrorist invading our country and others and they use their mosques to collect money and every muslim that goes to a mosque and all muslims are required by Islam to pay a tax to support jihad,they are coming in here to insert their Islamic agenda to take over our country there are currently 6+million or more but they dont take part in our census surveys because they dont want us to know how many are really here muslims in our country that been taught to hate and kill us,they are told by their leader’s to lie and deceive us about their religion and agenda,they are told to have as many children as they can to increase their numbers,they are building,and have training camps in our country ,they are buying up all the college slots in the higher paying professions to
To push americans out of these jobs,they are using their money to bring in more muslims,they are Evil people of war and death,they are using their mosques,stores ,hotels , gas stations to move around people,money,and weapons, and sharing passports to move in and out of our country and others,they seek to destroy our cultures,our religion and economy,and will not assimilate to our cultures or laws,they are getting into the schools,federal, local ,and state,and every form of government in our country ,to use our laws against us ,and to change laws to fit their agenda,wake up Americs they want our land ,and your children,and your country and mark my words you better be ready to fight for your lives and for your families lives, and they are our enemy,the refugees are mostly men between 18+45.the very men our soldiers are fighting and when they loose ground and run they go to a bordering country as refugee’s seeking political asylum,and get into the united states,these are soldiers that have killed innocent woman children and our men and woman,and obama let 142,000 of them into our country,now understand these people are here being placed in homes paid for by the tax payers you and me,they get foodstamps,and medical,and receive a check, they are meeting in masques where they are told what to do by there leaders and then moved around,into positions to help train the ones already here, so my fellow american brothers and sisters we must set aside our differences of raciest hate and ignorances and become united and stop the enemy within our boarders and the invasion of the muslims, islamic state, and the illegals,there are gangs from south america coming up through mexico worst then any other we have seen, their motto is to rape kill and rob,we must all pull together and stop these invasions for the sake of our children ,country and grandchildren ect,they are a trojan horse and we must not turn a blind eye to this because they are a people of war and death and will start attacking us soon in large numbers,you better arm yourselves,and be alert and ready no matter what, because it is coming, so now that you are forewarned, you need to get together with your family and friends and neighbors and make a plan for when s**t hits the fan,and be ready to stand together to defeat our enemies ,”and may God help us all”
If the govt. won’t protect it’s people, the go for it mafia.
Take them our is an invasion on your country so they can get into place part of their plan
hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.
Terrorists need to leave now go back and I’ll each other off in your country . Goo for the mafia .stand strong . America lock and load.
Well that’s to bad,they should just let you invade not,.