As the migrant crisis in Europe wages on, many have looked to their governments to sort out the mess.
Apparently, this is no longer. Sensing that the liberal European governments were the cause of the crisis in the first place, many local organizations are taking it upon themselves to rid their communities of the new populations that have caused crime and chaos across the continent.
In Sicily, this cause has been taken up by none other than the Mafia themselves. While their local government has surrendered their communities to the influx of migrants, the Mafia is fighting back, declaring war on these new people, in an attempt to make their cities Italian once again.
Their declaration of war hasn’t gone unnoticed, however. and many officials are vowing to fight back.
To see their declaration of war, and their government’s response, continue reading on he next page:
Good go get em !!!!
Keep up the good work
Maybe Mafia should look at those in government who have allowed their country to be invaded
Yeaaaaa go mafia !!!
I hope the mafia has a plan to set things straight. Probably getting rid of a few politicians won’t hurt either.
Jamey Hirschi Roy Gibbs
So sad!!! We were in Sicily 3 years ago, and it was gorgeous!!! The Mafia needs to get them out!!! The politicians are either too scared or don’t care!!!!!
Good! SOMEONE is doing SOMETHING to rid the world of this evil! Americans should be allowed to kill Sharia Law practicing Muslims in America. Our government won’t do it, so militias will have to like the Italian Mafia.
Maybe that’s what the hillbilly mafia will have to do in the US.
Today’s Liberalism is a Cowardice mentality devouring the world.
LIBERALISM is America’s #1 Enemy! They are the only ones who are laying down with their legs spread wide open along with the door to America, inviting Islam and Anti-American element in.
If you don’t destroy the sick Liberal cancer devouring America you might as well hand your kids and grandchildren over to Islam!
Fight back now or be devoured!