Yet another shooting…
One student has been killed and another injured in a shooting that occured outside a housing complex at Texas Southern University on Friday.
The school was locked down and classes have been canceled after the incident, which occured 11:30 a.m.
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We have to end Gun Free Zones now! !!
Simple , Don’t trust Blacks or Muslums
Hire armed veterans!
Anybody see a pattern yet?
Obama is giving Dr. Ben Carson a Bad Name
Wait TX one of the biggest i dare you to take our guns states only one dead and one wounded that can’t be Texas is big on gun if I am not mistaken. Therefore that would mean there should be more dead and wounded then sone of these other place that are is much more strick on having weapons around.
they must be paying people to go do this or perhaps the borders need to be closed. ..duh
The thing with armed veterans now is this, Obama and his Muslums have infiltrated all branches of our Military
It’s Houston …
There will be more before Obama leaves office…it’s like it’s by design.