With Donald Trump and his family on their way to the White House, the left has already declared open season on his kids. While they were subjected to many of the despicable attacks their father was on the campaign trail, daughter Ivanka was targeted by Shoes.com for discriminatory treatment and told that the company would no longer let her any of her shoes be sold on their site solely on account of her relation to the President-Elect.
Well Shoes.com has the right to determine who they will work with or service, it is absolutely shameless that they would do so when the left regularly attacks small business owners for doing the same thing:
“The company later deleted the tweet — after the tweet spread online.
But then @shoesdotcom deleted that Tweet and we’re not going to stop hammering and destroying them until they are out of business. https://t.co/QdFWS8n5It
— MicroTurkeyLeaks™ (@WDFx2EU15) November 18, 2016
But the damage is already done.”
Source: The Gateway Pundit
Money buys people like a mechanic buys shop tags.cheap people are a dime a dozen when big money comes to town.
So that is just going to hurt China because you know that’s where the shoes are made anyway lol
Ivanka you DO NOT NEED Shoes.com!
Start you own website to sell your shoes!
No big deal, I’ll order a dozen or two on line. Xmas is around the corner
So what? No big loss to her…
So boycott them America!! All that red on the election map would really put a hurt on them if they ALL boycotted theem!