Liberal politicians love to wax eloquent on the *infinite* ways illegal aliens are better than citizens for America. And they do make a very good point, they are superior, at crime.
There is a reason the left is forced to brand everyone with reservations about the oxymoron phrase “illegal immigration” as “racists”.
As Tucker Carlson revealed on his hit Fox show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, statics PROOF illegal aliens are more likely to commit crimes than legal citizens.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson unveiled ‘never before seen,’ statistics Thursday night, proving convictions among illegal aliens are significantly higher than U.S. citizens.
Carlson kicked off the segment by walking through the Democrats’ textbook argument for illegal immigration, recounting how liberals claim non-citizens commit less crime than U.S. citizens.
“They are your moral superiors,” mocked Carlson.
Before proceeding to use the ultimate weapon against liberals, FACTS, and show what our own government has to say about illegal alien crime.
“According to statistics from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, non-citizens are actually far more likely to commit serious crimes than Americans are,” said Carlson.“Non-citizens account for 22 percent, more than a fifth of all federal murder convictions.”
“18 percent of fraud convictions.”
“33 percent of money laundering convictions,” added Carlson.
“29 percent of drug trafficking convictions and 72 percent of convictions for drug possession.”
“Meanwhile, the non-citizen percentage of the American people? About 7 percent.”
As Tucker Carlson put it, this is a ‘massively disproportionate,’ amount of crimes being committed by the liberally heralded “virtuous” illegal aliens.
Why do you think they are trying to lie to you about the true nature of illegal aliens?
Source: Gateway Pundit
The sky is falling run you pussys I
The sky is falling run you pussys
Never vote left
True .You can see it I the newspaper crime reports daily. Problem is,newspapers re early a thing of the past ,so unless media reports it no or knows about it.webe been seeing it in our hometown paper for 12-15years now. Ilegals committee crimes and traffic offenders never having had a driver’s license . Deport all of them!And build the wall.
Dreamers looking for a better way of life in the USA.
Common sense.
Don’t believe anything Democrats and liberals say there so full of it !
Nope not f**e! True as you reading this!