The officer was injured and sent to the hospital with a head injury. The problem is not only the individuals that attacked the officer as he struggled with the who attacked the woman, but the surrounding neighborhood individuals who seemed to support and encourage the attack on the officer.
The problem of black on black crime is extremely troubling, as is the attendant suggestion from the Obama administration that police are the problem. In fact, there are many who suggest that the president is pushing a “police brutality and racism” line in order to diminish support for local police departments and to push for the nationalization of law enforcement. It is therefore difficult determine where the real problem is, but communities who want respect and fair treatment from police need to show respect and support for officers who are working to provide law and order in their communities.
That certainly is not the case shown in this video.
Totally agree!
When you see something, do something ! No waiting necessary to gain the desired outcome !
bloody shame but i understand why
I would not have had such restraint this officer deserves a commendation and promotion
Lucky Fernandes read the first paragraph of this article please.
Worthless scum…
Shoot them!
Stop going into those communities. Let them see how great life is without the police. They will start respecting the law when it all gos to$#%&!@* Furthermore people that keep committing crimes should lose all government support.