In light of the recent scandals concerning the VA’s mishandling of our veterans, another unfortunate secret emerged: most of America’s veterans receive zero dental benefits or oral care from the VA.
Dr. Charles Zahedi, the founder and Clinical Director of the not-for-profit organization, Dentists for Veterans, is the very first dentist in United States to have started a pilot program to conduct a nationwide study and initiative to precisely assess the feasibility and advisability of furnishing dental care to veterans under section 1705 of title 38, United States Code, who are not eligible for dental services and treatment.
By carrying out this pilot program, Dentists for Veterans will enable the Veterans Administration to better specify performance standards and metrics and processes for ensuring compliance with the hopes that these will one day be funded by federally-directed dental treatment programs. In addition, by executing this program, Dentists for Veterans will be able to rapidly identify those veterans who are completely orally disabled.
Until that funding is secured, Dentists for Veterans is rallying patriotic Americans to donate a minimum of $25 to build and furnish mobile dental facilities that will drive around America and treat veterans who lack the funds and means to get proper dental care.
We can not even help ourselves right now. Obama has us broke too.
Agent Orange has ruined the teeth of many a vet, but the government does not care. We served and get stabbed in the back for our loyalty. This is why many vets believe politicians are our enemies, including Obama.
No , but there’s plenty of money to take care of the lazy , the illegal and the muslims !!!!!!!!
I know! I am a retired Army Veteran and just spent a BUNCH of money on dental work this past year……
Only if they are 100% disabled will they get that service.
But they support Illegal Aliens & Muslims. What a crock! Shameful.
That’s a pitiful way to treat our veterans!
They also do not cover the most advanced pharmas either. If it’s not generic, forget it! As a disabled vet I gave VA a shot…once. It is such a rig-a-ma-roll and a total waste of time. Unfortunately, it is the only source available to veterans. I suggest they [Vets} apply for re-entry into the country as “victims of an oppressive government” and be given refugee status. How about that. oh, and they would have preference over those applying from Islamic regions.
Neither does Medicare or Medicaid. don’t you just love getting screwed
The VA sucks they have done this for years