Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has spent decades under the public microscope for lies and corruption — both on her part and her husband’s. Anybody who lived through the 1990s knows about the Whitewater scandal where she and Bill illegally pressured a loan officer into funding a business venture for friends of the Clintons. The business venture — which failed — was the Whitewater Development Corporation, and it would go down as the first in a long line of scandals associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton was deposed by a special investigator over the scandal, but she stonewalled. Her lead attorney, Vince Foster, ended up dead of an apparent suicide. Hillary and Bill remained untouched.
Then, as her husband, President Clinton, perjured himself over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, Hillary served as the attack dog, going after the character and credibility of Lewinsky and other women.
Hillary Clinton has spent decades entrenched in corruption and scandal, but she has also spent decades getting away with it. And according to a new Rasmussen poll, the vast majority of Democrats don’t even care if the FBI indicts Clinton over her email server scandal. To read about how many Democratic voters believe that even if Clinton is charged with a felony she should continue her march towards the White House — and to see if rival Bernie Sanders is finally using the issue to attack her — continue reading on the next page:
Completely retarded
Since when do liberals/”progressives” give a darn about obeying the law? Didn’t Teddy Kennedy murder Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick? Didn’t Bill lie to that federal judge at the Paula Jones disposition? Didn’t Hillary compromise TOP SECRET classified information over an illegal server? Don’t dozens of US cities led by liberals/”progressives” proclaim themselves “sanctuary cities?” Those places officially sponsor people who have knowingly broken our immigration laws. No, the Dems have no respect for law.
Who says you can’t fool the people all the time
Brain washed
Never said that the Dems were smart. Probably most of that number were illegals, blacks and throw in many Mexicans.
Can’t fix stupid.
Toilets run too
This just goes to show just how stupid THE ONES BACKING HER ARE
A former Secret Service agent is coming out with a tell all book on her which will be in the bookstores on 28th June. In it he writes Killary is unfit to be commander in-chief because
she has a “volcanic” leadership style and lacks the “temperament” to hold office — the same charge the candidate leveled last week at Donald Trump. Byrne describes Clinton as switching quickly from friendly to angry in a moment, and repeatedly screaming obscenities at her husband, the Secret Service and White House staffers. Secret Service agents even had to consider what to do in case the first lady attacked the president physically, Byrne claims.