Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has spent decades under the public microscope for lies and corruption — both on her part and her husband’s. Anybody who lived through the 1990s knows about the Whitewater scandal where she and Bill illegally pressured a loan officer into funding a business venture for friends of the Clintons. The business venture — which failed — was the Whitewater Development Corporation, and it would go down as the first in a long line of scandals associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton was deposed by a special investigator over the scandal, but she stonewalled. Her lead attorney, Vince Foster, ended up dead of an apparent suicide. Hillary and Bill remained untouched.
Then, as her husband, President Clinton, perjured himself over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, Hillary served as the attack dog, going after the character and credibility of Lewinsky and other women.
Hillary Clinton has spent decades entrenched in corruption and scandal, but she has also spent decades getting away with it. And according to a new Rasmussen poll, the vast majority of Democrats don’t even care if the FBI indicts Clinton over her email server scandal. To read about how many Democratic voters believe that even if Clinton is charged with a felony she should continue her march towards the White House — and to see if rival Bernie Sanders is finally using the issue to attack her — continue reading on the next page:
100% of conservative rebublicans believe democrats & liberals are totally BRAIN DEAD- we win!
Hillary will not help the economy! Go Trump!
As opposed to letting four Americans die? How stupid are you?
She could beat him, use a big stick!
Poll the dead folks too! and tally up how many illegals are voting too.
That poll proves why dishonesty is so rampant in politics…. the allow it and accept it as part of thier dailiy routine Lie, liel, lie and get the votes… Our whole poilitacl system needs to be revamped.
sick sick
Taxpayers are keeping up this 71%..
New Hampshire
South Carolina
Nevada . Georgia
Alabama Michigan
Tennessee Vermont
Arkansas Virginia
Louisiana Hawaii
Kentucky Florida
Mississippi Illinois
North Carolina Arizona
Missouri Mariana Island
New York Rhode Island
Connecticut Delaware
Pennsylvania Maryland
Indiana Wyoming
West Virginia. Oregon Nebraska Washington
North Dakato
Donald Trump
the smartest man running for the presidency of these United States.
Build up Our Military.
Build the Trump wall!
Get rid of common core!
Eliminate Obama care!
Give Social Security people a raise!
Take care of Veterans
Cut out welfare for people that can work!
Read UN Agenda 21!
Outlaw Lobbying and all other forms of bribery!
Vote for Trump’s tax plan!
Vote for Term Limits!
Vote for a Balanced Budget!
Abolish the IRS
Bring back employers who
Have gone abroad to escape taxes!
Ban and deport Radical Muslims Deport Illegal’s immigrants.
Trump wants immigrants but they have to come legally.
Trump is Pro Life
Trump uses his own plane cost 0 dollars for taxpayers
No salary for Trump
Jump on the Trump Train
Trump is Not Racist
Everyone voting make sure it doesn’t change the name your voting
Trump needs
June 7.
New Jersey California Montana
New Mexico
Trump is the only one that loves America and all the People.
Trump’s not going to put the Coal Miners out of Business.
Ask yourself what have you
& your family gained in the last 12 years from Politicians backed by Super Pacs.
States decides on Transgender bathrooms, Not the President.
November 4th
469 Congressional Seats are up for
Time to clean house & Senate
Mitt Romney
Sen. Lindsey Graham SC
Gov. Charlie Baker Mass.
Paul Ryan
Ruth Randal
Sen.Ben Sasse Mass.
Gov. Jay Inslee
Rep. Carlos Curbelo
Rep. Justin Amash Mass.
Nikki Haley
NY mayor Bill de Blasio
Jeb Bush
US Senate Chris
Gov. Haley
Valerie Jarrett Muslin
Senator Tim Kaine
Paul Ryan’s wife
Is a Lobbyist for
Proves Democrats are brain dead.