Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has spent decades under the public microscope for lies and corruption — both on her part and her husband’s. Anybody who lived through the 1990s knows about the Whitewater scandal where she and Bill illegally pressured a loan officer into funding a business venture for friends of the Clintons. The business venture — which failed — was the Whitewater Development Corporation, and it would go down as the first in a long line of scandals associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton was deposed by a special investigator over the scandal, but she stonewalled. Her lead attorney, Vince Foster, ended up dead of an apparent suicide. Hillary and Bill remained untouched.
Then, as her husband, President Clinton, perjured himself over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, Hillary served as the attack dog, going after the character and credibility of Lewinsky and other women.
Hillary Clinton has spent decades entrenched in corruption and scandal, but she has also spent decades getting away with it. And according to a new Rasmussen poll, the vast majority of Democrats don’t even care if the FBI indicts Clinton over her email server scandal. To read about how many Democratic voters believe that even if Clinton is charged with a felony she should continue her march towards the White House — and to see if rival Bernie Sanders is finally using the issue to attack her — continue reading on the next page:
that just shows how stupid the american Democrats are not a brain between all of them
How crazy is this. This nut job should be in prison!!!
the democratic base seems to thrive on immorality and corruption and could care less about morality and honesty.sick puppies.
You aren’t even a citizen of the US! This is one of your business. Butt out.
Beatty there is a lot of difference between Clinton’s TREASON an LIEING than a civil suit againest TRUMP that is all ready falling apart
Josh Edward Beatty, Firstly, a civil suit is far different than being charged with a felony by the U.S. government. Secondly, the suit is moot at this point because one of the petitioners had her claim thrown out. The people who attended the university had to complete surveys when their course was over. If they gave the course rave reviews on paper WITH their SIGNATURE, they have NO case. Secondly, as is the case with any university/student situation it is up to the STUDENT to put WORK into their studies. In this case there were those who studied and put the work into being successful. Then you had the slackers who didn’t want to study, put the work into being successful because they (in my opinion, like most people from your generation) want to start at the top and not have to do any real work to become successful. In regards to your remark about his underestimating the value of his golf course to reduce his taxes let me pose this question to you: If you thought you could get your taxes reduced wouldn’t you do everything in your power? Don’t we all try to pay as little as we can in taxes by doing the following: Contributing to employer-sponsored retirement plans; deduct IRA contributions; making charitable contributions; donating appreciated securities; paying property taxes early; offset capital gains income; deducting medical expenses; and paying into FLEX accounts for medical expenses and daycare expenses. Alan Garten’s (General Counsel to the Trump Organization) stated: “…disputes can arise over how one calculates sales-tax liabilities.” “It happens all the time,” and he said. “Real estate developers often appeal assessments.” Morris Ellison, a commercial real estate tax attorney based in Charleston, S.C., said it’s difficult to compare one organization’s volume of property tax appeals vs. another’s. Garten said the companies do what any property owners have the right to do: challenge their property’s assessment to make sure they are fairly taxed. Frankly, Trump’s business sense is just what this country needs in order to lower the national debt. Trump is very intelligent and knows what he is doing which is why he has amassed such a fortune that generations of his family will be able to live off of if they invest wisely and are frugal with their money. The Liberal main stream media always loves to spin a tale that makes Trump look bad. Frankly, Trump’s affairs, the corporate reorganization bankruptcies (filed due to partner issues), and the tax issues in no way compares to the trail of lies, scandals, and deaths that lead to Hillary. Trump has far more integrity in his little toe than Hillary has in her entire body. Hillary wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her in the butt – she even lies about lying. TRUMP 2016!
yep, 71% of DEMOCRAPS, that explains it perfectly. anyone voting for this CORRUPT politician is BRAINDEAD. Donald Trump For President
Have you not done your research on Hillary??
Josh Edward Beatty If you really think about it, this is one of the easiest choices America has had in a long time. Why? Because you either vote for Trump and save our Constitution, the BOR, and our freedoms OR you vote for Hitlery and subject America to many generations of forced Socialism (systematic revocation of the Constitution starting with the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights all the fit the Soros and other World leaders plans for New World Order/Agenda 21) I want to remain FREE and I want the same for my daughter, my grandchildren and their children! TRUMP 2016!
thats because 47% are freeloaders while the other 36% are suporting them But Many wont Trust her and dont But they still belive her lies