Whether you’d like a cellar, prepper space, a ‘man cave’ or just an addition onto your home, shipping containers are quite a good start for above or below the ground shelters or rooms.
The first video gives some good detailed instructions for building an underground shelter. The second gives great ideas to create a hidden passage into an addition room in your home using shipping containers.
The side walls are not strong enough to hold back the dirt on a shipping container.
This is what. We. Americans get Once we became a 3 rd. world. Country
Great storm shelter.
That’s all you need, and start storing up some water and MRE’s and your good to go …. A few video surveillance cams wouldn’t hurt either
You should be working on it NOT … “some day” might be too late!
yep Very heavy steel, need to seal them with tar and a line like septic line running around the base! Best to pour concrete slab under it several inches thick with rebar to support them. but the guys that install them for a living know what to do! you can weld bunkbeds, putin shower, kitchen, storage space be very space conscious but 2 ppl can live in them with mre’s and water enough for 2-3 months!
have to dig the pit about 12 inches wider and fill with rock and a sewer line to drain off the water, cover with dirt and bring in rich soil, big enough for a garden to feed 2. and a skylight to escape from!
They put concrete all around and above the container. Wouldn’t that prevent the cave in problem? They also did a sump pump system. Although I didn’t hear them mention the details, they probably did some waterproofing on the container as well. The question I had was about planting trees on top. I would rather plant flower gardens and vegetable gardens. Those tree roots could damage everything below.
I want to do this too but I read too, that the sides will collapse.
Do not put a shipping container underground, just trust me .